
Showing posts from February, 2023

How Do I Say Goodbye to Someone I Love

  The Questions 1. How can I say goodbye when I don't want to? 2. What if I love someone, and we are no longer together but he/she is moving away? 3. Can you please explain why some people keep returning to each other after repeated break-ups? 4. How do I stop thinking about the past and hoping for the future? 5. What do I do with all of the love I still feel for that person? The Answers How can I say goodbye when I don't want to? When a circumstance happens that your personality might not like, it is imperative that you stop fighting what the universe is showing you, and start to look for the blessing in disguise, as well as the higher reason behind it. When you truly learn to go with the flow, in the moment, you will gain a great deal of trust. What you will ultimately trust is that it is happening for your highest good and for the highest good of the other person. You might not see the higher reason at the current time, but you definitely will in hindsight. You do not own an